

A safe living, learning, and working environment is our highest priority at Grand V所有ey.

Our commitment focuses on prevention, awareness, education, and response. A robust program of resources and personnel are maintained to support these efforts, 以及, strong partnerships with community agencies and organizations to offer extended and external support.

服务 & 资源

注册 GVSUAlert! 紧急通知系统 用于文本或语音提醒(在 添加到GVSU电子邮件帐户的自动警报).

Whenever an emergency occurs that affects the 大学 community, 博天堂官方.edu/emergency will be updated with the most current and confirmed information.

创建一个 Smart911 配置文件来 help dispatchers obtain the information they need to help you quickly 紧急情况下.

GVPD提供了 Safewalk 程序 校园内行人. 申请Safewalk (Allendale Campus and Grand Rapids Campuses), c所有 616-331-3255.

注册免费 湖人 《博天堂官方网页》 移动安全应用程序与您的GVSU电子邮件(用于所有 大学校园).

学生,教师和工作人员可以乘坐任何 快速公交 路线 凭GVSU身份证免费领取.

GVPD配备了工具来帮助处理不可预见的车辆 校园并发症. 服务是免费的,包括:

  • 电池启动
  • 车辆解锁
  • 当地服务建议,以协助轮胎漏气

C所有 616-331-3255 (Allendale Campus and Grand Rapids Campuses).

的GVPD 活跃的 射手回应资源 提供指导,个人谁 may be caught in an 活跃的 shooter situation, and discusses how to 当执法部门回应时作出反应. 

GVSU is committed to being a safe and healthy environment for 所有. 这 includes students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors, 尤其是那些未成年人. 作为一所公立大学 everyone, the 大学 welcomes children and teenagers on our campuses for a variety of programs and activities planned by the 大学或外部组织. 在任何情况下,成年人都是 expected to be positive role models for minors, acting in a respectful and responsible manner consistent with the mission and values of the 大学. 为了促进这一愿景,大学出版和 执行 政策, 有目标的程序、指导方针和资源 promoting health, safety, and security for minors on our campuses.


616-331-3255 (非紧急-每天24小时,每天7天 每周)-所有校园都使用这个号码
公共 安全人员指南 & 电子邮件地址


  • 1011服务大楼(SER) - 11106服务博士, 艾伦代尔,密歇根州49401
  • 大堂时间:上午8点至下午5点(星期一至五))


  • 609 Watson St SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 (near the Winter Lot on 皮尤校园)
  • 警察 and/or 安全 are available at this location 24 hours a day; there 是一个 phone in the main entrance to contact Dispatch. 

安全 安全信息 给住在校园里的学生.

Whenever an emergency occurs that affects the 大学 community, 博天堂官方.edu/emergency will be updated with the most current and confirmed information. 这 website also provides additional information for assistance during an emergency.


  • 800-249-0911(非紧急)

Grand Rapids 警察 部门 Dispatch (大急流城校区)

  • 616-456-3400(非紧急)


违反前:  提交 到GVSU匿名报告系统
Students, faculty, and staff may report planned activities in advance of a student violation of health policy via the existing GVSU Anonymous Reporting system hosted by an external compliance and ethics organization which coordinates with the GVSU Division of 法律, 合规和风险管理. 如果合适的话,法务部会继续进行 向两位医生投诉. 亚伦·海特博士. 安迪·比奇诺, 随后,确定行动(e).g. 个人外展或 businesses, 推荐 to law enforcement) [Example: student reports rumor of a future event in violation of state limits on gathering sizes in a local apartment complex; GVPD is notified and DSA contacts 公寓大楼]

学生,教师和 staff may report student violations of health policy already in 请拨打911要求立即响应. [例:渥太华 County Sheriff is notified via citizen c所有 and requests assistance from GVPD to investigate a party in an apartment complex; party is dispersed, police report is filed, and GVPD refers violations to the 学生行为及冲突解决办公室]

违反后: 提交 学生行为和冲突解决办公室
学生,教师和 staff may refer student violations which have already occurred directly to the Office of Student Conduct and 解决冲突. [示例:教员提交社交媒体。 photo evidence of a party occurring the previous night; OSCCR 根据大学政策作出裁决]

All reports of social gatherings and parties in violation of state or local law will be shared by the Division of Student Affairs with relevant landlords, property owners, township and county health 人员和执法部门.

的地方: 提交到渥太华县(电子邮件)或肯特县 (网址)举报热线
任何公民,包括教职员工和 students - may report violations of COVID-19 state or local Executive 给军队的命令 渥太华 县留宿家庭留宿安全提示电子邮件 或者通过 肯特 县“提交投诉”举报表格 (见链接 (网站右侧).


Incident 报告 and 推荐 forms for use by students, faculty, 工作人员和社区成员. 你可以在 报告 页面. 

  • 违反学术诚信
  • 酒精/药物Self-Referral
  • 校园气候关注
  • 校园安全部门报告
  • 歧视/骚扰
  • 性行为不端/第九条投诉
  • 学生守则不当行为
  • 学生组织失当行为
  • 关注学生-关怀转介

GVSU匿名报道 可用于 愿意向学校报告问题的个人 anonymously through a system hosted by a third-party provider.

的 大峡谷警察 部门 提供紧急和紧急情况的电话号码 non-emergency 报告 and offers assistance in filing a report and 通过法律程序提供支持:

  • 紧急情况: 911
  • 大峡谷警察局: 616-331-3255
  • 底特律中心: 313-596-2200
  • 荷兰梅杰校区:  616-355-1100
  • 马斯基根区域中心: 231-777-0545
  • 特拉弗斯城区域中心: 231-995-1111

沉默观察者渥太华 县(Allendale校区)

  • 877 - 88沉默(745368)
  • 877-887-4536
  • 文本“OCMTIP和信息”至274367(罪案)

健康 & 幸福

If you find yourself worried about the well-being of a GVSU student (a student in your class, someone you live with/near, someone in your 学生组织等.),我们鼓励您提交CARE 推荐. 此表格可在 报告 页面. 

大学咨询 Center 提供短期的个人治疗和长期的团体治疗 对目前注册的GVSU学生免费. 紧急的 情况或危机.

三一健康GVSU校园健康中心 是一个 full-service, on-campus health center for GVSU students, faculty, and staff.

包含 员工 Assistance 程序 (800-788-8630), coordinated by Human 资源 健康 & 健康,提供GVSU教师,员工和他们的 有免费咨询服务的家属.


Information about GVSU's entire COVID-19 response plan can be found at 湖人队在一起.


If you have experienced interpersonal violence, consider these 第一步骤: 受害者 权利、选择权和资源手册

受害者主张:  凯莉 沃尔夫,受害者辩护律师

民权办公室 和第九条

  • Kathleen VanderVeen 第九条代理协调员
  • (电子邮件保护)
  • 616-331-9530
  • 4015詹姆斯H. Zumberge H所有 (Allendale校区)
  • 工作时间:上午9点至下午5点
  • In the absence of the Title IX Coordinator, the Deputy Title IX 协调员承担所有第九条相关责任. 联系 (电子邮件保护) or 616-331-9530.


保密咨询服务(学生): 大学心理咨询中心

  • 616-331-3266
  • (电子邮件保护)
  • 206学生服务中心
  • 的 大学心理咨询中心 provides free and confidential help to GVSU students for a variety of personal and emotional 情况,包括性侵犯.

保密咨询服务(员工):  包含

  • 800-788-8630
  • 的 大学's employee assistance program, 包含, provides professional and confidential counseling to 所有 employees and their 家庭抚养.

医疗服务(性侵犯护士审查员 服务): 西部女青年会 中央密歇根

  • 616 - 776强奸(776 - 7273)
  • 谢尔顿大道25号.密歇根州大急流城49503

医疗服务(性侵犯护士审查员 服务): 韧性: 终止暴力的倡导者 

  • 616-392-2829
  • [11] Butternut医生.荷兰,密歇根州49424
  • 前身:过渡妇女中心 

2018年2月,密歇根州家庭暴力和性暴力 Prevention and Treatment Board through the Campus Sexual Assault workgroup convened by Sue Snyder in 2017, released the following 校园性侵幸存者资源手册. 更新和 更多资料请浏览 http://www.michigan.gov/CampusSexualAssault.

校园安全政策 & 犯罪统计数据

年度安全 及消防安全报告 包括犯罪统计,火灾 统计、安全和安保政策.

的 部门 of 公共安全 maintains a daily crime log for criminal incidents reported to the department on Clery designated 所有GVSU校区的财产. 犯罪记录可以亲自查看 during normal business hours at the 大峡谷警察局 (1011服务大楼(SER) on the Allendale Campus), or a printed copy will be provided upon request by contacting the Grand V所有ey 公共安全部,电话:(616)331-3255. 

这 resource is maintained in compliance with State of Michigan campus safety transparency 报告 requirements, 根据2023年的PA 103, Section 241a(5) of the Fiscal Year 2024 higher education appropriations act.
